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Saturday, 15 September 2018

21 Most Commonly Confused Words In English Language. - Education - .

English Language has a lot of words that can easily confuse the speaker, and lots of people make these mistakes while speaking, chatting or posting comments without realising it. Below are some of the commonly confused words English speakers use in their everyday conversations:

(1)advice (noun): recommendations about what to do
advise (verb): to recommend something

(2)aisle: a passage between rows of seats
isle: an island

(3)stationary: not moving
stationery: writing materials

(4)palate: the roof of the mouth
palette: a board for mixing colours

(5)assent: agreement, approval
ascent: the action of rising or climbing up

(6)principal: most important; the head of a school
principle: a fundamental rule or belief

(7)canvas: a type of strong cloth
canvass: to seek people’s votes

(cool chord: a group of musical notes
cord: a length of string; a cord-like body part

(9)complement: to add to so as to improve; an addition that improves something
compliment: to praise or express approval; an admiring remark

(10)council: a group of people who manage or advise
counsel: advice; to advise

(11)defuse: to make a situation less tense
diffuse: to spread over a wide area

(12)discreet: careful not to attract attention
discrete: separate and distinct

(13)disinterested: impartial
uninterested: not interested

(14)envelop: to cover or surround
envelope: a paper container for a letter

(15)forbear: to refrain
forebear: an ancestor

(16)foreword: an introduction to a book
forward: onwards, ahead

(17)hoard: a store
horde: a large crowd of people

(18)loath: reluctant, unwilling
loathe: to hate

(19)loose: to unfasten; to set free
lose: to be deprived of; to be unable to find

(20)meter: a measuring device
metre: a metric unit; rhythm in verse

(21) their (adjective): of, belonging to,made by, or done by them. They did their home work.
there (noun): that place or point. Put it there.

Which of them have you been using wrongly?


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